jueves, 3 de mayo de 2007

Gatsb is Twitter for Geo-tagged Photos

gatsb (pronounced Gatsby) is a new service for sharing your mobile photos along with geographical information.

With gatsb, you can send your photo to your profile from your mobile phone, include information like the address or intersection, phone number, and description, and include a quote as well. Many that have seen gatsb liken it to a Twitter plus Yelp, though it hasn’t quite reached its potential in that regard. From what I see, people are sending updates, and not necessarily reviews. You can access gatsb from your mobile phone and search by name or location, so in that sense, it’s got a touch of Dodgeball’s concept of being able to update your friends on the go and get some information on a nearby location while you’re out.

Gatsb could stand to make it a tad easier to find and make friends, and as their service is currently very clean and simplistic, they might as well create a widget that’s inclusive of all the information that can be added with your photos. The widget, of course, can be updated immediately, and the location at which to send it could be shared by a group of friends. Yes, this is similar to Pickle and Cellblock, but the additional information within the widget would add more value.

[via Webware]

Recommended: Piczo Layouts at Mashcodes!

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