sábado, 9 de junio de 2007

StartMobile Launches a Widget to Sell Mobile Content

StartMobile, the directory for mobile ring tones, wallpapers and video ringers for independent artists where all content is just $1.99, has created a widget for its service.

The widget is powered by XLR8 Mobile’s “WapItUp!” mobile commerce platform, and has several selections in its three categories, enabling site visitors to purchase art, music and video for their mobile phones directly through the widget. You can preview images, music and videos with the widget using its drop down menus or the “previous” and “next” tabs that show in the display box. It’s easy enough to share the StartMobile widget, as the embed code is available straight from the widget as well.

I’m not sure how StartMobile has chosen the artwork to be featured on the mobile widget, but it does not carry the entire StartMobile library. It would also be great to see a way to choose content for your mobile widget, or create one for any particular artist on the site. No word on the option of an affiliate program for selling content through this widget, but I imagine that the best way to spread its use is by allowing artists to create widgets specifically for their own artwork.

From my experience so far, purchasing content from the widget does not yet work, but I was able to purchase content directly from the site with no problems. Somewhat similar services include Mobicious, MoStrips.

Recommended: Piczo Stuff at Mashcodes!

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